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Exclusive Services

Om_ The primordial sound of the Universe

Yoga is the journey of the self,

through the self, to the self.

Hatha Flow in the Freiraum

      All seasons

A chance in your week to get out of head and into your body. This hatha flow class is a good place to release stress at the end of a working day. A dynamic flow, that begins with a full body warm up and finishes with a chance to cool down and settle into a more restful body. You can join as a drop in class. 10er block 160€, drop in class 19€.


Saturday morning online course


This 4 week online course is focused on waking up the body after a winters rest. Spring is the season of growth and starting a new. This is an energizing class that will leave you feeling full of energy and ready to start the weekend. This is a perfect start into your weekend. A chance to hold space in your weekend just for you. You can join the full course or drop in for one class with a price difference. 44€ for the full course and 14€ for a drop in class. All classes are recorded and sent to you, to watch when it suits you best.

Hofgarten class


Enjoy your practice outdoors! Embrace the summer season with a class in Hofgarten IBK under the trees. This is a hatha practice that will leave you feel connected with yourself and nature. You can join as a drop in class.

Yoga for strengthening and flexibility


Let's think of our yoga practice as a long term goal to age with grace. 

In this Hatha structured class we will focus on two very important things: strengthening and stretching. We need to strengthen the muscles that support our frame and joints. We need to stretch the body from stiffness and tension. When we combine these two, the results are more noticeable and efficient. We are living in a world where it is normal to spend hours on end sitting in one position .  For many of us we have points in the body that cause us chronic pain or discomfort. This class will show you why it is important to have these two elements included in your practice. Each week will focus on a different area in the body, lower back, upper back, shoulders and neck, and hips. 

This class is for people who want to stay active and find more freedom in their bodies.

 You can join as a drop in or as a member. 

Private lesson

Book a private lesson if you are trying to work through certain problems in the body and want to learn how to practice with limitations. Privates are a chance to have an questions or concerns addressed that you might not get when joining a normal yoga class. You can tailor the hour to your needs and goals for your own practice. Yoga is for everybody and every BODY.

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